Finding the right words

2010 election flyers

Okay, you’re running for City Council in 2014. What’s your slogan?

It should be brief and memorable – whether it’s on a sign, website, button or pamphlet. “Stop the Gravy Train” for Rob Ford’s Toronto mayoralty run hit those marks in 2010.

Not an easy task. What will resonate with residents in, for example, Ward 4 (click “Ward 4” at the top of this page)? Ward 2 (downtown)? Ward 1 (Aldershot-Tyandaga)?

A sampling of slogans from Burlington’s 2010 election, to help with your brainstorming:

“Experienced change we can trust.”
(Carol D’Amelio for Mayor)

“People. Passion. Perspective.”
(Rick Goldring for Mayor)

“Vision. Leadership. Experience.”
(Cam Jackson for Mayor)

“Tough Decisions – Strong Leadership”
(Rick Craven in Ward 1)

“A Decisive Leader for Ward 2”
(Dave Bedini in, sure enough, Ward 2)

“Keep Balance & Business Basics in Burlington:
Change [X] Stability [X] “

(Jack Dennison in Ward 4)

“New Decade, New Challenges, New Leadership”
(yours truly in Ward 4)

“New Face. Fresh Perspective. Straight Talk.”
(Paul Sharman in Ward 5, and also for Mayor before withdrawing)

“Caring for the Community”
(Blair Lancaster in Ward 6)

To assist you further, it seems that 3-word phrases are popular choices. Consider phrases like “A Happier Future”, “The Mindful Way”, “Fixing Our Roads”.

Or my personal favourite, “No More Slogans”.

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